Starting point
I like to guide the viewer’s gaze towards the main element: the head, and give information with the rest. Given my technical education, I aim for things to be well built, meaning lines are fundamental and colour is superfluous.
The portraits can be drawings of heads, of a complete figure or half figures. In addition, they can be individual or group portraits. The final dimensions of the paper depend on the space the drawing requires.
The timescale begins when the artwork has been decided upon and I have all of the materials required to complete it. Except in cases of force majeure, I offer the following timescales as an approximate guideline:
Portrait of the head – 3 months; of the body – 5 months. For groups, add on one extra month per person. These timescales refer to the maximum time taken as normally the work is completed earlier.

The final price depends on what has been drawn: heads, bodies, or half bodies; and on the number of people appearing in the drawing. It does not depend on the size of the paper. The delivery costs tend to be included, in principle. However, before offering a final quote we must be aware of all of the details surrounding the commission. In agreement with the client, partial payments are established based on the phases of the work.
The request for and drafting of a quote are free of charge and without obligation.
Work method
Insofar as possible, it is important to get to know the different elements composing the artwork. On the one hand, the reason for the commission as that can affect the creative process. On the other, it is worthwhile getting to know the person who is having their portrait done as we project to the outside world what we carry on the inside. Lastly, it is important to consider the surroundings where the portrait will be hung once finished.
I work on the basis of photographs and whenever possible, I take these photographs myself. As a guideline, the session may last around 2 hours, a period that I also make the most of to get to know the person and their expectations. Afterwards, I select some photos and prepare a proposal. In agreement with the client, we decide on the work material.
I always draw in life-size and use Conté pencils on Canson paper. I work on the portrait until I get to the point when I present it to the customer. At that point, I send them an email with a photo of the stage the portrait is at for their consideration. If any final touches are required, these are made under the customer’s supervision.
Lastly, the portrait is “closed”: it is signed, set, photographed and delivered.